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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This is a cool blog.  Day to day struggles of a guy who is 76 years old and has been running for 39 years!  Woah.  I've been running off and on for 30 years.  Every year is harder.  76 is a ways off for me, but I can appreciate the effort it takes to keep going when your body is letting you down.

My runs started to slow down when I hit 40.  At least that's when I started to notice it.  The progression has continued and my knees aren't what they used to be.  I played squash for some 20 years, but I began to worry that my knees would never recover if I kept up the pounding on them, so I have given it up.  Maybe one day I'll go back to it.  I've heard there's some amazing medical treatments to regrow cartilage that are in the works and it bodes well for athletes of all sorts.

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